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Managed Print Solutions

Managed Print Solutions can help your company streamline its printing, and reduce costs by turning over the day to day upkeep to a company that specializes in printers and printer supplies. Ink and Toner Alternative will maintain your fleet of printers FOR FREE, when you enroll in the Managed Print Solutions program. As a seamless addition to your IT staff, our technicians will handle everything printer related in your day to day operations, from providing supplies to printer repair. Managed Print Solutions through ITA will free up your IT staff, and the “soft costs savings” will add up quickly. If your fleet is large enough, Ink and Toner Alternative will place a technician on-site, free of charge. An on-site technician ensures quick desktop supply delivery, rapid response time for repairs, and real-time updates for printer issues.

When you work with Ink and Toner Alternative, you can expect:
  Free Parts and Labor for your printers, plus a free Preventative Maintenance on all machines at the beginning of the program
  Life-time warranty on printers, eliminating the need for extended warranties
  Trained technicians to manage your fleet
  Web based monitoring software
  Supply inventory management
  Cost savings of 10%-40% on toner supplies, guaranteed
  2 year supply price lock
  Easy billing by single cartridge or by monthly cost per page
To enroll in Managed Print Solutions at Ink and Toner Alternative, or for more information
contact us today